Заxватившись за “игру” слов на Англиском, я взял слово “Artel” и после общения в GPT-4 и GrokAI, мы втроем пришли к интересному (на мой взгляд), достаточно описывающее начальное мое представление об этой группе:
“Artel of EduVangelists”. (AoED)
Для валидации спросил как это название понимает GPT-4 и Grok, вот что они ответили:
Based on the name “Artel of EduVangelists,” this group can be described as a collective that is deeply involved in education advocacy and innovation. …
In summary, the “Artel of EduVangelists” likely represents a dynamic and collaborative group dedicated to promoting progressive changes in the education system through advocacy, innovation, and community engagement. Their goal is not just to reform education but to inspire and empower others in the sector to join in these efforts.
The Artel of EduVangelists is a group that aims to promote and advocate for new literacy in the field of education. The name combines “artel,” which refers to a cooperative association, with “EduVangelists,” a blend of “education” and “evangelists,” indicating the group’s passion for spreading the word about new literacy. Their goal is to bring together like-minded individuals to work collaboratively on promoting and advancing new literacy in the education sector.