Almost everyone learns to become a professional. Professionalism is the fast and high-quality solution of an already known class of tasks. For example, a professional swimmer can swim a certain distance, while a professional manager can manage a company. To become a professional, one must learn a specific applied method. A swimmer learns the crawl technique, while a manager learns project management.
However, few people pay attention to their skill in solving previously unknown problems, including those that you cannot even guess about now. Some even say that there is no need to learn in advance. However, this is the wrong worldview. Every person is given intellect, and it is responsible for solving new problems, including learning a new profession.
One should be both an intellectual and a professional. It is necessary to consciously and in advance develop the intellect to be ready to solve new problems, as well as, if necessary, to develop professional applied skills to solve specific problems.
Usually, people develop both on practice. This is done unconsciously, that is, by coping with various problems and tasks, a person develops professionalism and intellect. But if people still develop professionalism through the conscious study of methods (applied practices), then almost no one consciously develops intellect. There is no widespread understanding in culture of how the intellect is developed through certain methods.
Few people understand that intellect is developed through fundamental transdisciplines. On the contrary, it is believed that basic education is too abstract. Which is true. But without transdisciplines, it is impossible to quickly cope with new unknown problems. Or you will have to devote your life to unconsciously gaining experience.
Our commercial hypothesis is that people will gradually understand: the intellect can also be consciously developed through transdisciplines, as well as professionalism through applied disciplines. For this, we talk about enlightenment and changing the worldview, culture.
We teach concepts and models through which an intellectual can quickly understand any problems. For example, we teach to immediately identify the target system, the supra-system, enabling systems, the life cycle, practices. We teach to look not at people, but at roles and their work products. There are many such concepts, and they are universally suitable for creating software IT systems, cars, enterprises, raising a child, and even creating a colony on Mars.
So, a professional solves known tasks, while an intellectual — previously unknown problems. Still, the main skill/competence of a person is the ability to solve previously unknown problems. The intellect can be consciously developed in courses on systems thinking. And we are preparing a three-year program, which we will position as university education.