Безмасштабно о языках, контекст = окружение системы

Раздел “Определения: гробик для умершей мысли” можно сделать еще более безмасштабным и неантропоцентричным ссылкой на [2303.01514] Control flow in active inference systems, раздел 5:

While the notion of “languages” has thus far been applied to cells, tissues, and even nonvertebrates in a mostly metaphorical way, we can speculate that linguistic approaches to understanding the interplay between context dependence and semantic ambiguity may be useful to biology in general. Immune cells (e.g., T cells) are, for example, “programmed” or “trained” by their progenitor cells to respond to local cellular signals and ambient conditions in particular ways. Unexpected context changes may induce dysfunctional (at the organism scale) responses, including chronic disorders [169]; these can be considered consequenes of discrepancies between the “actual’ semantics of incoming signals and the semantics expected by the immune systems’ “language.” This suggestion of possible “linguistic” contextuality seems in consonance with the hypothesis of [170] that the immune system is a cognitive (living) system implementing its exclusive system of language-grammar, which may be prone to analogous disorders of communication as those discussed in [168]. Similar context effects have been observed in microbiological systems [171]; here discrepancies in experimentally derived classical probabilities arising from lactose-glucose interference signaling in E. Coli can only be explained in terms of non-classical probabilities. We note that the expression ‘quantum-like’ [172] is often used for such effects; however, their formal structure is exactly that given by quantum theory.

Ну и вообще, мне кажется понятие контекста может быть больше подсвечено в системном фреймворке, как синоним окружения системы.